Feb 18, 2010

10 Most Embarrassing Moments at the Gym!!

Bring up the subject of embarrassing moments at the gym and it's amazing the stories you hear. It's clear that the gym is a prime spot for embarrassing moments. Sweaty people flailing around with large, heavy machinery sometimes has disastrous consequences.

1. Passing Gas
Picture it: You’re in a deadly quiet yoga class. You’re breathing, you’re downward dogging and - whoops - now you’re farting. Even worse, it’s loud enough to rip the fabric of the space-time continuum.

2. Falling off the Treadmill
Walk or run on any moving surface, such as a treadmill, and you increase your chances for a crash and burn. Factor in iPods, water bottles and towels and you add more tasks and objects that interfere with your ability to walk straight.

3. Gym Machine Confusion
The gym is a mysterious place, full of shiny machines that don’t make sense to the naked eye.Most of us have probably approached a new machine and started pushing buttons, only to find it won’t go.

4. Wardrobe Malfunction
Once I was running on the treadmill, feeling like a million bucks. I finished and walked away, wondering why people were staring at me. No, it wasn’t because I looked fabulous. Turns out the zipper on my sports bra came open, exposing more than I'd planned. I zipped up and fled, my face a blistering red.

5. Tripping, Slipping or Hurting Yourself
The gym is a prime spot for injury. Dangling cables, swinging handles and other metallic items make for an endless obstacle course. Add sweaty humans and it’s a wonder we ever make it through a workout

6. Throwing Up
Throwing up at the gym is more common than you think. Even when you know your body’s limits, sometimes you push too hard or you’re too rushed to give your stomach the digestion time it needs. If you feel lightheaded or nauseous, lie down and elevate your feet. If you do have to puke, a trashcan in a quiet corner works well.

7. Lifting Too Much Weight
Choosing the right amount of weight is tough and being at the gym makes us all more competitive. That can be a good thing – you push yourself harder than you would if were by yourself. It's a bad thing, however, when you choose a weight that's too heavy. You risk injury, embarrassment and a bad workout.
8. Sweating in Embarrassing Places
Sweating is normal when you're exercising, but some people worry they're sweating too much or get embarrassed if sweat stains show up in uncomfortable places. Sweating is your body's way of cooling itself and no one expects you to be fresh as a daisy at the gym. Sweat shows up everywhere - the armpits, chest, lower back and, yes, sometimes the groin or the rear end.

9. Seeing Your Boss Naked
If your gym is close to work, chances are you'll run into co-workers and, sometimes, this will happen in the locker room at the most inopportune time. It's awkward seeing a colleague, boss or friend in the buff but, if it does happen, there are ways to handle it that don't involve quitting or permanent trauma.

10. Realizing You Have Two Left Feet
The group fitness room can be a scary place if you're new to it. There are rows of people, hundreds of mirrors and the loud music makes it hard to hear the instructor. What's worse is trying a new class and slamming into other exercisers as you try to follow the moves.

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