Mar 10, 2010

10 High Calorie Food

1. Popcorn:
Hot air popcorn turns an individual into a hot air balloon when butter and salt become the star of the show.

2. Rice Cake + Peanut Butter:
It's not the rice cake the dieter has need in fretting about - rather what goes on top of it. Most of us can get a little lost in our peanut butter jar, can't we?

3. Nuts:
A handful of nuts can weigh in heavily on the Calorie Scales, particularly with those having large hands. Measure out servings to keep fat and calories at a healthy level. And be proud of those large hands!

4. Side Salad + Dressing:
A simple healthy salad turns into a dieter's nightmare when grated cheese, croutons, bacon bits and full-blown salad dressing is added. Opt for lite to be light.

5. Cereal:
While cereal is a healthy grain, most individuals end up eating three or more servings due to the size of their bowls. And boxed cereal can be quite tasty, thus hard to resist. Another feature, is that we tend to link the finger-sized nuggets to our childhood, and the warm memories during those years.

6. Oatmeal:
At 150 calories per serving and with cholesterol-lowering powers, oatmeal is a great option for dieters. However, when butter, whole milk, refined white sugar and brown sugar are added, all those healthy benefits explode - as well as the innocent dieter.

7. Soups:
A cup of soup can turn a Lion-Sized Appetite into a gentle purr. However, when servings aren't kept in check and when soup comes in the form of a cream-base, grab your Diet Whip! Crackers, rolls, breads and other Soup Pals also tend to jack up the calories, particularly when butter comes calling once 'Soup's On!'

8. Sandwiches:
How to turn two slices of bread, a serving of lean meat and cheese, tomatoes and lettuce into a Sandwich from the wrong side of the Diet Road:

9. Baked Potato:
A little dab of butter, a splash of sour cream, a cup of cheese, some tasty bacon bits - and oh yes, I guess I should sprinkle on some broccoli for color. Talking about a stuffed spud - one that your healthy diet doesn't need.

10. Chocolate Skim Milk:
Just because the milk is skim doesn't excuse those chocolate calories - which can be ultra pricey when one likes their milk doubly chocolately

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